Service User Guide

Service User Guide


Welcome to CHANMIL Care Ltd. This Service User Guide tells you about our Company and what you can expect from our services. The contents of the guide follow Outcome 1, Regulation 17 the Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2009.

Aims and Objectives

Our aim is to help and support individuals to maximise their potential so that they leave fulfilling lives whilst embracing their circumstances. To achieve this we design and structure our services so that the client or service user is empowered to make decisions about their care. They are involved from the initial process of enquiry through to daily decisions concerning their care.

We also ensure that every service user is appointed a care or support worker who will become the first point of contact for all the care needs of the service user.

We employ robust measures to ensure that all relevant data and information concerning the care of a client is captured, processed and kept safely and securely.

We encourage effective communication between staff, clients, their families, management and other related organisations about the individual’s care.

Our services are designed to be cost effective and efficient so that they provide value for individuals, their families and local authorities.

Our Values

  • Respect – We respect the values and wishes of the service user.
  • Empowerment –We aim to provide opportunities to empower the service users to make decisions concerning their care.
  • Commitment – We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and effective service to our service users.

Description of Services

The Company provides domiciliary care to people in the community. Our carers will visit clients in their own homes to assist them with personal care, domestic care, everyday tasks and offer assistance where required.

Person centred care forms the core of the service we provide here at Chanmil Care Ltd. Chanmil Care Ltd offers a wealth of personal care to meet the needs of dependent Service User these may include elderly people and people who need assistant due to illness to continue living in their own homes and community.

This will be achieved by promoting a standard of excellence, which embraces fundamental principles of Good Care practice that is witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality care in the domestic environment. All Service Users will be treated with equality and diversity and no one will be discriminated against.

Chanmil Care Ltd provides personal care to our service users within the definition and scope determined by the regulatory body.

Personal care

  • Assistance with dressing/undressing – getting up in the morning and preparing for bed at night Assistance with bathing, showering and washing
  • Assistance with skin care, washing hair and cleaning teeth
  • Assistance with bed bathing
  • Assistance with toileting and use of incontinence aids#
  • Assistance with medication and health related duties (in accordance with the details in the agreed written Care Plan)
  • Assisting with feeding

Domestic care

  • The preparation of food, shopping, cooking, washing up and menu planning.
  • Cleaning and general routine household tasks.
  • Shopping.
  • Laundry

We will deliver care and support to each Service User after a thorough assessment of needs. Care delivered by our staff will be agreed and set out in writing in the Care Plan/Contract.

When you purchase your own care, you can decide what you will need and the times you want, depending on how much you want to spend. You can agree what you require with us. If the Social Services Department or Primary Care Trust is paying for your care they will decide the amount of time you will need for the Home Carers to provide your service. You may be asked to contribute an amount towards the cost of it depending on your circumstances. When you buy from Chanmil Care Ltd yourself or the care package is purchased on your behalf, you will receive a visit from Chanmil Care Ltd Manager to agree the detail and you will be given information about us. You will also receive our Service User’s Guide.

Once the duties have been agreed, the Manager will produce a Care Plan and this will give the schedule and detail of the care package. The Manager will also check to see that there are no risks involved in the work of the Care Workers. They will check that if there is any lifting involved in helping with personal care. The manager will assist with getting the right equipment to meet your needs. From time to time, the Manager or a Supervisor will visit to see that you are satisfied with the care provided and you may also be asked to complete a questionnaire to assist with quality monitoring.

Quality Assurance

We will review monitor and audit our services to ensure they meet the requirements of the Care Quality Commission Standards and best practice. We will conduct an annual survey to see if you are happy with our service as part of Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire and that the service that we have specified in your plan of care is being delivered as agreed.

Our Policies & Procedures

Running a domiciliary care service poses a variety of issues to be resolved, for Service Users, staff and managers. To be sure that we behave consistently, to capture good practice and to keep everybody informed of how the service works, we have written down where we stand on certain key matters and how we handle certain frequently recurring situations.

These are our policies and procedures. Together they form quite a long list. Service Users are welcome to examine any of these documents.

The policies and procedures include:-

  • Adult Safeguarding
  • Whistle blowing Policy
  • Health & Safety
  • Moving & Handling
  • Complaints
  • Training & Staff Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Data Protection
  • Confidentiality
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Provision of Non-discriminatory Practices
  • Human Rights


If you need someone to represent or advocate for you for any reason, the Company will try to help by either finding you a service provided by the Local Authority or a service provided by volunteers. One of the reasons that you may need an advocate is that you do not have a member of your family or a friend who can act on your behalf.

Insurance Cover

Chanmil Care Ltd is covered by Employers Liability Insurance up to £10,000,000 for any one claim and Public Liability up to £1,000,000.00 for any one claim. The insurance covers all aspects of its undertakings. However, the insurance does not take the place of normal household insurance cover for accidental breakage or damage to household items. Please do not make private arrangements with our staff because this will not be covered under our insurance policy.

Staff Conduct

We pride ourselves in providing excellent care services for our clients which are delivered by competent and caring staff. The Staff of the Company are trained to treat you with respect and maintain your dignity at all times. They have a Code of Conduct detailing the way they should behave when carrying out their duties and the standards expected of them. It is the aim of the Company to guide the Staff to work to the highest possible standards of care provision. Each member of staff will be DBS checked. They are also subject to regular supervision, monitoring and have regular appraisals for their care practice and training needs.

Our Staff Are Trained To

  • Safeguard and respect the interests of the service users and their carers within the Policies of the Company and the guidance they provide.
  • Support people’s rights to control their lives and make choices about the services they receive (within the agreed details of the Care Plan).
  • Listen, respect and promote the views of Service Users and their representatives.
  • Value and treat each individual as a person in their own right respect and maintain dignity and privacy of Service Users.

Our Staff Are Expected To

  • Be honest and trustworthy.
  • Be reliable and dependable.
  • Honour work commitments.
  • Declare conflicts of interests.
  • Abide by the Health and Safety policies and codes of practice.
  • Abide by the Administration of Medication Policy and code of practice.

Protective Clothing

Care Workers are supplied with plastic aprons and latex gloves which they will wear when they carry out personal care duties. Care Workers need to wear protective clothing for hygienic reasons and to prevent the spread of infection. Care Workers are also expected to wash their hands on entering and before leaving your home. Please contact the office if your Care Worker omits to do this.


Care Workers are issued with the Company’s laminated identification badge that carries a photograph of them on it. Care Workers should show you the identification badge when they visit you. You should not allow a Care Worker into your home if you do not know them before they have shown you their identity badge. If you have any concerns about the person – you should contact our office.

Holiday Leave and Sickness Cover

When a Care Worker is away, the Company will make other arrangements to ensure you receive the service you need. You will be informed in advance the name of the Care Worker(s) who have been selected to replace your regular one. If a permanent change needs to be made, we will discuss this with you. The Company will make every effort to ensure you receive a reliable service at all times.

Complaints and Compliments

Each Service User will be given information on how to make a complaint and given a copy of, Comments Suggestions and Complaints. . Dealing with a formal complaint will be undertaken as quickly as possible, but it could take up to 28 days. You will be kept informed at each stage of the investigation and complaints proceedings. If anyone feels that Chanmil Care Ltd has not dealt with a complaint to their satisfaction, they have the right to complain to the Care Quality Commission, which regulates our service.

Care Quality Commission

North West Region

Newcastle Upon Tyne



Chanmil Care Ltd welcomes feedback on its services, especially from Service Users and their carers, whether these are compliments, complaints or suggestions for doing things better.

Terms, Conditions and Fees

Each Service User will be given terms and conditions. For Service Users referred through a social services department, the local authority will cover the fees. Private Service users will be given an order form.

Professional Qualifications

The Registered Manager for Chanmil Care Ltd is a qualified registered nurse and critical care trained with vast experience working in a wide range of nursing care hospital wards and nursing homes.

Care Workers provided by the Company will receive an induction programme to introduce them to the organisation, its philosophy of care, aims and objectives, policies and procedures. In addition, to ensure that staff is competent and trained to do the job they do, all Care Workers will receive training in mandatory subjects like, fire, food hygiene, fire safety, Health & Safety, moving and handling, administration of medication, SoVA/PoCA and cross infection at regular intervals.

Care Workers also receive specialist training in subjects to enhance their knowledge and performance.
All Care Workers have an annual appraisal interview to identify their training needs and to register them for their National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Care if appropriate at levels 2 or 3 (or equivalent) and in accordance with the Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2009 (Regulations 23 – Outcome 14).

Care Workers receive a formal selection interview to establish their experience and their suitability for the work. An Enhanced Criminal Records check is carried out on each Care Worker and two professional references are obtained.

Care Workers provided by the Company receive an induction programme in line with the Skills for Care Induction Standards. Induction will introduce them to the organisation, its philosophy of care, aims and objectives, policies and procedures. Care Workers also receive training.

How to Contact Us

Routine enquiries: 9.00am – 5.00pm Telephone. 01903831315/07930376842
Emergencies only: 5.00pm onwards Telephone. 01903831315/07930376842

Postal Address

Suite 11,
1-6 Chapel Road
West Sussex
BN11 1EX


Get In Touch

Suite 11, 1-6 Chapel Road
Worthing, West Sussex
BN11 1EX
Tel: 07903 220 766

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